Autocompressor v0.3 - Media Compression Tool

Easily compress any media file to a target size for Discord, GMail, and other size-limited platforms. Our advanced Auto-Rez™ technology produces the highest possible quality at a given size. Upload a file or paste a URL to get started. It’s free to use and it supports Discord sticker and emote compression as well.

Upload your video, image, audio, or GIF:

Our input file size limit is 2 GiB.

Choose a target size:


Choose an output file format:
Moderate encoding efficiency, can create emotes and stickers
Choose a compression level (quality-time tradeoff):

Compress your file:

Click the button to start the compression process. Completed files are deleted after 24 hours, so share the file, not the link to it.

Status: Ready
File Thumbnail

Pro tip: AV1 is the future of Discord embedding. We just switched to SVT-AV1 for the free AV1 presets. Got an existing AV1 MKV and want to embed it? Our Media Passthrough Technology will simply remux it if you ask for an AV1 WebM of the same size or larger.
