Autocompressor Blog and News
Sometimes we write about the encoding of videos, images, audio, and GIFs on here. We finally made this its own page! That way, you won't get redirected to the image quality one whenever you click on our blog in a search engine.
Discord Clip Uploader: A Cautionary Tale
A viral script for automatically posting large videos on Discord, which used our AV1 Embed Tool, ended up taking down the File Ditch. Here's how it happened and how we're going to try to prevent it from happening in the future.

Reduce your Website's Image Load
Struggling with how much bandwidth your images are taking up and how slow it makes your website load for mobile users? Try the techniques we use in order to cut image sizes on your website by up to 96% with minimal visible quality loss! We'll show you how to correct the dimensions of your image, use newer image formats, add responsive image sizing, and implement lazy loading for all your images.

Progressive AVIF Decoding Tricks
Some people don't like how the next-gen WebP and AVIF image formats don't have progressive decoding, where a low quality image is displayed before the entire image is loaded. Luckily, there are a few easy hacks that you can use in order to imitate true progressive decoding when you use AVIF, and it might improve the page experience a little bit.

Don't Compare Videos by Single Frames
If you've been part of any video encoding or filtering community, it's likely that people have tried to sell you an encoder or settings by using a single-image comparison like Here's why this is unreliable at best and can be deliberately manipulated at worst. We prefer to use video metrics that are measured on all frames.

What Image Quality is the Most Efficient?
Most people intuitively understand that neither a small, super high quality image, nor a large, super low quality image, are a good idea. We sought to find out what quality works the best for each image format, as well as whether AVIF really does work better at low quality as you may have heard.